
Mounting a cassette

If you want to fit a new cassette to a new bike wheel, there are a few important steps to follow to make sure everything works properly and is safe...

Mounting a cassette

If you want to fit a new cassette to a new bike wheel, there are a few important steps to follow to make sure everything works properly and is safe...

TPU inner tubes for Brompton's

As the owner of a Brompton folding bike, you probably already know that these bikes are designed for city traffic. They are lightweight, easy to fold and take up little...

TPU inner tubes for Brompton's

As the owner of a Brompton folding bike, you probably already know that these bikes are designed for city traffic. They are lightweight, easy to fold and take up little...

Titanium or carbon handlebar?

Brompton folding bikes are designed for urban mobility and are popular with commuters for their portability and versatility. One of the main features of the Brompton bikes is their foldability,...

Titanium or carbon handlebar?

Brompton folding bikes are designed for urban mobility and are popular with commuters for their portability and versatility. One of the main features of the Brompton bikes is their foldability,...

Different types of carbon weaves

2 / 2 Carbon bicycle wheels have become extremely popular in recent years due to their stiffness, light weight and durability. Different types of carbon weaves are used in the...

Different types of carbon weaves

2 / 2 Carbon bicycle wheels have become extremely popular in recent years due to their stiffness, light weight and durability. Different types of carbon weaves are used in the...

Types of wheel bearings

Bicycle wheels need bearings to turn smoothly. There are two types of bearings commonly used in bicycle wheels: steel bearings and ceramic bearings. Both types have their advantages and disadvantages,...

Types of wheel bearings

Bicycle wheels need bearings to turn smoothly. There are two types of bearings commonly used in bicycle wheels: steel bearings and ceramic bearings. Both types have their advantages and disadvantages,...

Benefits of upgrading a Brompton for public tra...

If you regularly travel by public transport, you probably know how important it is to have a light and manoeuvrable bike. This is why the Brompton folding bike is such...

Benefits of upgrading a Brompton for public tra...

If you regularly travel by public transport, you probably know how important it is to have a light and manoeuvrable bike. This is why the Brompton folding bike is such...